your one-stop certification solution!
CCC Certification for China – Made Easy
Do you want to export your products to China or your customer requests a CCC certificate or a CCAP/ CQC certification from you?
With over 17 years of experience in the certification business and more than 300 factories in our worldwide service, MPR China Certification GmbH/ China Certification Corporation is your best resource for competent service when it comes to certifications for China.
In our comprehensive brochure you will find information on process flow, affected product categories and further details on CCC certification, CCC Self-Declaration as well as voluntary CQC and CCAP certification.
Download free CCC Certification information booklet!
CCC (also 3C) stands for China Compulsory Certificate and applies to both imported and Chinese products.
The CCC certification process, which includes factory audits and testing, can be a complex hurdle due to difficult communication with the Chinese authorities and constantly changing regulations and standards.

For the automotive sector Chinese requirements are particularly high. There are strict deadlines and thoroughly conducted product tests and factory audits.

CCC Certification for Non-Automotive Products
We provide comprehensive CCC certification support to our customers in the electronics, toys, household, etc. sectors.

Automotive Products – CQC/ CCAP
For automotive products, we offer certification from China Quality Certification Center (CQC) or China Certification Centre for Automotive Products (CCAP).

For products that are subject to CQC or CCAP certification, it is possible to obtain certificates from the Certification Alliance for Vehicle (CAV) instead of the conventional certificates from the CQC and CCAP authorities.

Problems often arise at Chinese customs because a product is incorrectly classified as needing a CCC certificate. Non-CCC investigation letters help to prevent this. We can check for you whether your product is subject to CCC and how customs clearance can be optimized.

Our support and excellent relationships with the certification authorities will guarantee the success of your certification project:
- Preliminary check on certification requirements and clarification regarding what type of certification is needed
- Time efficient support through the entire certification process
- Audit preparation and support
- Organization of the product tests in China