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What is VSCC Certification?

For import into Taiwan, it must be proven that the imported products meet Taiwan’s safety and quality standards. The test standards published by the VSCC called the “Vehicle Safety Test Directions” (VSTD) apply. The VSCC product certification is only possible if the VSCC published a test standard for the respective product.

VSCC stands for Vehicle Safety Certification Center and is the organization responsible for the approval of vehicles and vehicle components in Taiwan. The VSCC was established in March 2009 by the Ministry of Transportation And Communications (MOTC).


Which Products Can Receive VSCC Registration?

The VSCC is responsible for automotive products such as interior trim components, seats, safety glass, tires, etc., as well as complete vehicle homologation. In addition, electronic components that are installed in the vehicle are certified via the VSCC. These include, for example, driver assistance systems, anti-lock braking systems and vehicle dynamics control.

For a complete overview of vehicle components which fall under VSCC, see our list of automotive products covered by the Vehicle Safety Testing Directions (VSTD).

VSCC Certification Process

VSCC certification of vehicle components requires product testing in a VSCC-accredited test laboratory. No factory inspection is required at the time of initial certification but it must be conducted several years after the initial certification. This allows the process to be initiated and completed quickly.


Company Registration at VSCC


Product testing in an accrediated test laboratory


Application of the examination report


Issuance of the examination report

The tests required for product testing are based on the Taiwanese test standards, the “Vehicle Safety Testing Directions”, which are abbreviated by VSTD. The VSTD were largely derived from the ECE regulations, however product tests must be carried out in accordance with the applicable VSTD as part of the certification process and cannot be replaced by ECE tests.

In context of the VSCC certification, the certificates for vehicle components are called Examination Reports. The VSCC is also responsible for complete vehicle homologation, where a Type Approval Certificate is issued upon completion of certification. The Examination Report contains information on the manufacturer, the test report, the test laboratory, applicable VSTD and the scope of certification. There is no expiration date. In order to maintain the validity of the Examination Reports, regular Conformity of Production (CoP) tests must be carried out in accordance with VSTD, which are checked in the audit. In addition, documents demonstrating continued compliance must be submitted to the VSCC each year.

A factory inspection is performed every three years. The first factory inspection is requested by the Vehicle Safety Certification Center (VSCC) in the 3rd year from the initial application. If the manufacturer fails to comply with the annual checks of document, the VSCC will request a factory inspection at shorter intervals. The manufacturer is obliged to submit a change request in the event of changes to the product (including, but not limited to changes in materials, material suppliers, design, manufacturing process, etc.). In addition, it must be ensured that work is carried out in accordance with the current standards and regulations. It is useful to engage a consulting company to keep up-to-date with the latest regulations to maintain continuous compliance.

VSCC Marking

There are a total of only 6 products that require the VSCC certification mark with the symbols shown below. These 6 product categories are tachographs, coupling devices for small trailers, luggage racks, payload meters, retroreflective materials and safety belts.

Two kinds of logos exist:

This marking is used only for seatbelts                                  .


All other products mentioned must be marked with the following marking after VSCC certification


Special regulations apply to the markings (diameter, height, etc.). If components are marked incorrectly, there is a risk that they will be detained by customs.

Your One-Stop Certification Solution.

Our complete package for product certifications for Taiwan.

Personal contact for all questions on the subject of VSCC

Clarification of the certification possibilities of products

Application preparation

Handling of the product tests

Preparation and monitoring of audits

Information about product-specific regulation changes

Contact us!

MPR China Certification – Professional consulting and implementation of certification projects world-wide.

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VSCC Certification overview

Validity of the CertificateNo expiration date
Certification Estimated Timing2-4 months
MarkingOnly 6 product categories need to be marked
Testing Required?Yes
Factory Audit Required?Every three years, but not during the initial certification
Representative in the countryNot required
Follow-Up ProcessAnnual checks of document and factory inspection required every 3 years

VSCC Certification FAQ

How do I know if my products need VSCC certification?

The requirement for VSCC certification is in most cases specified by the OEM. This certification is mainly relevant for vehicle components. There is a list showing which product needs VSCC certification on our website, but we recommend checking directly with the VSCC. If requested, we can assist you with this.

How long does the VSCC approval process take?

Depending on the product, the duration may vary. Regularly, the process can be completed in 2-4 months.

How long is the VSCC certificate (Examination Report) valid?

No expiration date is noted on the Examination Report.

What is the best way to prepare for VSCC registration?

For the application of the test report, a test according to the test standards VSTD is required. Therefore, the best preparation is to review the relevant test standard and ensure that the product will pass the test. It is also helpful to read the regulations and be IATF certified.

Which plants need to be audited?

The audit takes place in the plant where the final production process is completed, or which performs the final quality assurance step before delivery to the OEM. If unsure, we can advice you.

Inspection is not required during the initial application process. The first on-site inspection is required within 1 to 3 years after VSCC issues the initial examination report. Usually, it is performed in the third year.

How do I have to label my products after receiving VSCC approval?

Marking with the CC mark is only required for the following products:

  1. Tachograph.
  2. Coupling device of small trailer (including towing bracket and coupling component).
  3. Luggage racks on small motor vehicle.
  4. Payload indicator.
  5. Retro-reflective material.
  6. Safety belt
Do authorities inform VSCC certificate holders about changes in the regulations?

No. The applicant is responsible for working according to the latest regulations. The companies are obliged to inform themselves about changes. It is advisable to hire a consulting company to monitor changes that affect product conformity.

video about the vscc Certification for taiwan

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