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Sockets with USB Connection are Subject to CCC Certification

7. December 2017

On November 5, 2017, the Chinese newspaper Xiandai Kuaibao reported on security risks of sockets with USB interfaces. According to the article some reporters made test purchases in various Chinese stores and found blatant safety flaws in products that were not CCC certified. Many no-CCC certified USB sockets showed poor insulation of the electrical lines or insulation that was damaged or incorrectly manufactured.

The reporters’ observations are also confirmed by a study by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Quality Supervision. In random checks the Bureau found that only about 60% of the USB outlets offered in China were CCC certified or able to pass CCC certification tests according to the GB standards. The failed sockets were produced by both subpar “cheap“ manufacturers, as well as well-known Western manufacturers.

Like many other consumer electronics, sockets and junction boxes with USB connection require CCC certification to be sold on the Chinese market in order to assure consumer safety.

Socket with USB interface

CCC certification of USB sockets was implemented January 1, 2017, but is currently still in a transitional phase. The certification procedure is defined by CNCA implementation rules CNCA-C02-01:2014. By October 13, 2018 all USB outlets sold must be CCC certified for distribution in China.
The Director of the Consumer Protection Welfare stated that he is actively promoting the value and importance of CCC-certified products and encouraging consumers to buy CCC-certified products, indicating a significant competitive advantage for manufacturers whose products are already CCC certified.

If you have any further information about CCC certification in in general, the process or related costs, please do not hesitate to contact us personally. Write us an e-mail or call us on + 49-69-2713769150. We gladly support you.

Visit our website or our News Section for regular updates on the subject of CCC and other certifications for the Chinese market.

Further information on the CCC certification can be found in our guide book “CCC Made Easy”, which you can download here free of charge and in our English textbook “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which you can order here directly on Amazon.

MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
