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New GB standards for compulsory certification of automotive products

23. April 2019

The Chinese Certification and Accreditation Administration (CNCA) announced the implementation of 9 new GB Standards. These standards cover various topics related to automotive products, from different requirements for busses to electric vehicles (see table below).

Products that have already been certified under previous or related standards enjoy a transitional period of one year. During that time the affected companies can convert their certificates to show that their products conform to the new standards.

If the new standards do not require new tests, the certificates can directly be converted. In case a standard requires additional tests, the new certificate will only be issued after completing these Tests.


New GB standards


These new standards will come into effect on June 30th, 2019, by which date the relevant certification bodies and test laboratories will be in compliance and will have implemented them accordingly.


Nr. Standard Name und Nummer Zusätzliche Hinweise zur Implementierung
1 GB 19260-2016 Strukturelle Anforderungen für Niederflurbusse und Busse mit niedrigem Einstieg
2 GB 22757.2-2017 Label für Energieverbrauch von leichten Nutzfahrzeugen- Teil 2: Extern aufladbare Hybridfahrzeuge und Elektroautos
3 GB 26149-2017 Leistungsanforderungen und Testmethoden für Reifendruck-Überwachungssysteme für Personenkraftwagen Article 5.1 Sollte das Gesamtfahrzeug nachweislich die Voraussetzungen erfüllen, müssen die einzelnen Komponenten u.U. nicht separat getestet werden
4 GB 34655-2017 Anforderungen an das Feuerlöschequipment in Bussen
5 GB 34659-2017 Anforderungen und Testmethoden für Spritzschutzsysteme von Fahrzeugen und Anhängern
6 GB 34660-2017 Anforderungen und Testmethoden für die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Straßenfahrzeugen Ausschließlich Test des Gesamtfahrzeuges

Während der festgelegten Übergangsfrist kann entweder dieser Standard oder GB 14023 implementiert werden

7 GB 36220-2018 Sicherheitsanforderungen für Öltransport- und Tankfahrzeuge
8 GB/T 34657.2-2017 Interoperabilitätsprüfung für das konduktive Laden von Elektroautos – Teil 2: Fahrzeuge
9 GB/T 34658-2017 Konformitätstest für Kommunikationsprotokolle zwischen einem externen, konduktivem Ladegerät und dem Batteriemanagementsystem eines Elektrofahrzeuges


You are already active in the Chinese market and want to learn more about how these new regulations affect your business? Please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to advise you on the new regulations in detail and individually for your needs. We also offer original versions of the Chinese regulations as well as translations.

For more information on how CCC certification may affect your company, or for more information about CCC certification in general, the process, and the associated costs, please visit our website and our News Section where you will find current updates twice a week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and consultation. You can contact us via e-mail, or call us (UK: +44 2071931135, Rest of Europe: +49 69 2713769150, US: +1 773 654-2673).

You can also check out our free CCC-Brochure, which can be downloaded right here as a PDF file or you consult our book (in English) “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be found directly hier on Amazon.

MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
