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your one-stop certification solution!

HAF 604 – made easy

Are you interested in the HAF 604 Certification and want comprehensive information?

What is HAF 604?

HAF 604 certification is mandatory for many safety-related components in nuclear power plants. Most important elements of the initial certification are the safety tests in China.


HAF 604 regulations

The China National Nuclear Safety Administration (NNSA) certifies components for nuclear power plants according to the “Supervision and Management Regulations for Imported Civilian Nuclear Equipment”. These regulations apply for registration of components from foreign countries regarding construction, manufacturing and installation.

Read more about HAF 604 certification for China.

More questions about HAF 604?

With over 17 years of experience in the certification business and more than 300 factories in our worldwide service, MPR China Certification GmbH/ China Certification Corporation is your best resource for competent service when it comes to certifications for China.

Don’t hesitate to contact our staff via phone, chat and email.

T +49-69-2713769150 (EU)
T +1-773-654-2673 (US)

MPR China Certification

MPR China Certification advises you on all aspects of your product certifications for export to China.
Our customers are manufactures in the automotive, electronics, mechanical engineering, petrochemical, household goods, toys and food industries. On all of these topics, we know the certification obligations, testing requirements and requirements for audits of production sites.

Our responsive international team of experts will answer your enquiry for the market approval for China within 24 hours!