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China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd. (CTC)

15. April 2024

China Building Material Test & Certification Group Co., Ltd. (CBMTC) is a company engaged in testing, inspection, and certification services for building materials in China. CBMTC’s specific features and services include:

Material Testing: CBMTC conducts testing on various building materials to evaluate their quality, performance, and compliance with industry standards. This can include testing properties such as strength, durability, and safety.

Certification Services: The company can provide certification services to manufacturers of building materials to ensure that their products meet the necessary standards and regulations. Certification is often essential for compliance with construction industry standards and regulations.

Inspection Services: CBMTC can conduct inspections of construction sites, buildings, and building materials to verify compliance with regulatory requirements and quality standards.

Quality Control: The company can be involved in quality control measures throughout the manufacturing process of building materials, helping manufacturers maintain consistency and meet established quality standards.

Research and development: The CBMTC can participate in research and development activities related to building materials and contribute to the development of new test methods, standards and technologies in the construction industry.

Robert Goral

MPR Author

Robert Goral

Robert Goral