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CCC: Upcoming mandatory CCC Certification for Warning Triangles

29. April 2014

Since 2003 there has been a GB Standard for warning triangles (GB stands for Guobiao, Chinese for National Standard). GB 19151-2003 defines the scope, parameters and prescriptive limits for product testing required for the CCC certification.

Some of the criteria for the testing of warning triangles include:

  • Shape and dimensions
  • Photometric Specifications
  • Colours
  • Materials
  • Temperature and water resistance
  • Wind stability

CQC (China Quality Certification Centre, Chinese: 中国质量认证中心) and CCAP
(China Certification Centre for Automotive Products, Chinese: 中汽认证中心) are the authorized authorities in China to perform CCC certifications for automotive products.

Neither the CQC nor the CCAP has published any official announcements regarding the details about when CCC certification for warning triangles actually becomes mandatory. Test costs and implementation rules, which state the prescribed method of obtaining the certification and required marking of the product with the CCC logo, are also still unknown.
Only after determination of the test costs and the official announcement of the implementation rules will the Chinese authorities accept CCC applications.

At this time, there is only the option to run through a voluntary CQC certification. The process would be the same as the expected CCC certification process. When CCC becomes mandatory, the CQC certificate can be used to obtain a CCC certification.

If you are interested in being proactive and obtaining a quote for CQC certification or would like more information, please do not hesitate to call or email us. We will be happy to provide you with a quote or to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Caution fog - Warning triangle on a foggy road.

For manufacturers of warning triangles it is challenging to estimate the full costs for CCC certification. But we will inform you about any news and announcements regarding this matter in our “News” section on our website. Our close relationships with the certifying authorities often allow us to provide you with these updates first, before they are officially announced or implemented.

Information regarding GB-Standards, CCC certification, the certification process and the costs can be found on our website. You will also find details regarding our certification package on our website including a general anticipated time frame. Take a look at our references section to see a list of some of our clients and what they are saying about us. For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here.

You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.

Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions you may have.

MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
