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CCC: Quicker factory audits through cooperation between CCAP and MPR China Certification GmbH

2. July 2015

On 1st of July, 2015 the general manager of the subsidiary of MPR China Certification GmbH in Beijing, Ms. Li Huan and board member Wu Qiang met with the leading management of the CCAP (China Certification Centre for Automotive Products, Ch. “中 汽 认证 中心”) in Beijing. The CCAP was represented by Mr. Qiang Yi, head of the organization, by Mr. Niu Haijun and Mr. Ma Lin, both members of the leading management at CCAP for many years.

Subject of the meeting have been the effects of the new Chinese implementation rules for automotive components and the related time schedule issues of relevant international automotive suppliers and automobile manufacturers.  According to the new regulations several automotive components have to be newly certified for the first time, resulting in a tight and challenging certification schedule for suppliers and car manufacturers this year. With this in mind MPR China Certification GmbH and the CCAP decided to further intensify the cooperation for a smooth coordination of the certification processes, aiming particularly for quicker factory audits carried out by the auditors. Because MPR China Certification GmbH/ China Certification Corporation and CCAP are organizing clearly more than 100 CCC-Audits together in 2015, MPR China Certification GmbH customers will enjoy enormous advantageous with regards to time and resource management for their certification. In most cases an audit will happen 1-2 months after application in China for customers of MPR China Certification GmbH. As a consequence the whole certification process with CCAP through MPR China Certification GmbH for most applicants can be completed within 3-4 months.

20150702160307717Due to the new regulations, the need for CCC certifications has risen sharply this year. The optimization of the certification process has the purpose to help suppliers stay in track with regards to the automobile manufacturers’ deadlines. By means of a quicker certification processing by MPR China Certification GmbH and the CCAP bottlenecks in the manufacturers’ production plans are supposed to be avoided.

The MPR China Certification GmbH looks back on many years of excellent cooperation with the CCAP in managing the CCC certification process for automotive suppliers. On May 9th, 2013 the MPR China Certification GmbH has been awarded “Excellent certification partner company” by the managing director of CCAP, Mr. Qiang, on the occasion of the fifteen anniversary of the CCAP. Until today it has been the first and only award issued to a foreign certification company. Besides the partners are frequently organizing events. In 2014 the CCAP and MPR China Certification GmbH participated in the IZB (International Suppliers Fair) in Wolfsburg with a joint exhibition stand.

In August 2014 the Chinese Certification Authority CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration) published 15 new implementation rules for CCC certification of automotive parts. In January of 2015 the Chinese Certification Authorities CCAP (China Certification Centre for Automotive Products) and CQC (China Quality Certification Centre) published several more implementation rules for CCC certification. These regulations are more detailed than the ones published by the CNCA.

It is the responsibility of all CCC certificate holders and CCC applicants to understand and be in compliance with the most current implementation rules. There are many important changes that may need to be addressed by manufacturers. Some of the most important changes are in regards to new parts that will now require CCC, mandatory component part requirements, and new minimum size requirements for testing.

Are you seeking more information about the new implementation rules or are interested in our presentation about the regulatory updates? Please do not hesitate to contact us for more details and advice by phone (UK: +44 2071931135, Rest of Europe: +49 69 2713769150, US: +1 773 654-2673) or email with any questions you may have.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.


MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
