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CCC: New GB Standard for Seats and Headrests

11. December 2015

After the new implementation rules for seats and headrests (CNCA-C11-12:2014) came into effect on January 1st, 2015 new GB Standards are on the way now.

The Chinese authorities CCAP (China Certification Center for Automotive Products) and NTCAS (National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization) have discussed the new GB Standards for seats, headrests and components on their 3rd meeting at the beginning of November 2015. As the new draft (GB 15083-20XX) is waiting for its approval we will update you as soon as any new details are published.

Seats are considered one of the most important safety components in a passenger vehicle. Technological developments of the manufacturers as well as better quality standards and controls of the Chinese authorities guarantee a high level of customer safety.

Car interior

As soon as the new GB standard becomes mandatory, manufacturers of seats and headrests will need to comply with the new GB Standard. All changes in certificate and new CCC certifications will need to comply with the new GB standard. Holders of CCC certificates that comply with the old GB standard GB 13057-2003 will have to apply for a change of GB standard and will be required to do product tests according to the new GB standard.

If a seat manufacturer does not apply for a change for their certificate on time, there is a risk of non-conformance and possibly even suspension or revocation of the certificate.

Are you looking for more information regarding new Chinese standards? Do you need more information regarding regulatory updates? If so, please call or email us anytime. We can be reached by phone (UK: +44 2071931135, US: +1 773 654-2673) or email for any questions or concerns you may have.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easy” here. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.


MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
