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CCC: New CCC Regulations for Safety Belts

23. November 2015

In a previous news article we informed you about the 15 new implementation rules for the CCC Certification of automotive components which were implemented in August 2014 by the Chinese authority CNCA (Certification and Accreditation Administration). These regulations officially took effect on January 1, 2015.

One of the 15 new implementation rules, includes an updated version for safety belts. The current version number is CNCA-C11-04-2014-CN. It is important for manufacturers who currently have CCC for safety belts to update their certificate to reflect the new Implementation Rule. The deadline to make the update to existing CCC certificates is January 1, 2017. Certificates, which do not show the updated Implementation Rule (CNCA-C11-04:2014), will then be temporarily suspended, then cancelled and erased from the CNCA database.

If you want to learn more about the updates of the new implementation rules please contact us directly. We will be glad to help you and answer any questions you might have.

For more detailed information please download our free booklet “CCC Made Easyhere. You may also consider our book “A Brief Guide to CCC: China Compulsory Certification”, which can be ordered directly on Amazon here.

Are you seeking for more information about this CNCA announcement or do you want to know if there will be new CCC implementation rules also for your product? Then contact us! Write us an Email or call us: Germany: +49 69 271 3769 150, UK: +44 2071931135,
US: +1 773 654 2673



MPR Author

About the author: Julian Busch is founder and Managing Director of MPR China Certification GmbH
Publisher: MPR China Certification GmbH

Tel.: +49 69 271 37 69 150
